Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Opinion on video "What's the Worst that can happen?"

My simple opinion from watching this video is that he may have a point not the extreme ones that he puts into his chart, but the fact that we need to spread the word. I mean when has doing nothing caused something good to actually happen, the key word being good, because yes it may be the right thing and result in not doing something unnecessary although is not accomplishing anything new. For example he points out that if we do nothing and there is no Global warming that we are happy, yes we may not see our world destroying as fast as we think, but there are still definitely problems associated with us causing Ozone depletion and increasing other risks besides Global warming such as harming agriculture and increased risks of disease or skin cancer. So my take from the video is that he may scare a lot of people with his take that the world as we know it may end in decades, I think his biggest point is that we need to spread the word and get people thinking, because no action (in my opinion) is worse than a wrong action.

LINK to the video.

Top 3 Facts about Ozone Information


1.) One of the biggest things I learned from reading this paper about good and bad Ozone is that I should limit my strenuous activities at the times when the bad Ozone levels peak, which is around mid day (10 AM-4 PM). I knew the sun was an issue then, but i did not know the reason behind and this was informative to me.

2.)  I also knew that the bad chemicals are what is causing holes in the protective Ozone layer, but the important part that I saw was that it was estimated by scientists that one chlorine molecule can destroy about 100,000 "good" Ozone molecules.

3.) My final interesting point that i did not know was that these increases in "bad" Ozone at ground level can hurt crops and plant life by reducing growth and survivability, and is said to reduce crop growth as much as $500 million in production. Which is a large number to be harming with something we as humans are contributing to as well.

All facts from this LINK.