Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Top 3 Facts about Ozone Information


1.) One of the biggest things I learned from reading this paper about good and bad Ozone is that I should limit my strenuous activities at the times when the bad Ozone levels peak, which is around mid day (10 AM-4 PM). I knew the sun was an issue then, but i did not know the reason behind and this was informative to me.

2.)  I also knew that the bad chemicals are what is causing holes in the protective Ozone layer, but the important part that I saw was that it was estimated by scientists that one chlorine molecule can destroy about 100,000 "good" Ozone molecules.

3.) My final interesting point that i did not know was that these increases in "bad" Ozone at ground level can hurt crops and plant life by reducing growth and survivability, and is said to reduce crop growth as much as $500 million in production. Which is a large number to be harming with something we as humans are contributing to as well.

All facts from this LINK.

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