Monday, March 3, 2014

Reponses to short videos

First video - The take home message from this short video is that we can use ice cores to measure tends of temperature and Carbon Dioxide levels before our data collection,and looking at today our Carbon dioxide levels are higher than ever and needs to be noticed if humans are negatively affecting the environment.

Second video - For this video i think the biggest point they made was that using chemical make up of cores can help get a fairly good idea of climate before our data collection, and even with the possible error of using cores we still see a rise in temperature now that may be out of the normal range that has been experienced over time.

Third video - In this video it talks about diatoms, which is basically collected from the soil at the bottom of lakes and water sources. These are used to see changes in theses diatoms over time and how they change when the climate and temperature change, but are focused on seeing over time how the changes are related to climates over time and the big picture.

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