Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Post About Connection of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events

The question is, what is the connection between climate change and extreme weather events and disasters?

  • Based on what you just saw and read - how would you answer this question?
  • What are the connections? Does it even matter?
  • Is there a good analogy you can use to illustrate the connections?
  • And - who is Kevin Trenberth?

I would answer this question by first pointing out there is no direct evidence to prove that the increase in temperature is the ONLY cause for an increase in extreme weather events (i.e. heat waves, hurricanes, forest fires, etc.). From reading and watching videos about this information it seems though that there is a bit of a consensus to say that the increase in temperature globally leads to extreme weather events to become more likely to occur. Meaning that the increase in temperature makes it such that areas that already had forest fires, that are now hotter because of global warming, are more prone to get a forest fire. The sources that I got from touched upon the idea that climate change is so hard to connect to extreme weather events, because fires are a few steps removed from simply a temperature rise and is hard to show a direct connection. There is also an idea that climate change can also cause the cold extremes, such as increased snow, but the fact still remains there is no direct link that we can be positive to make such a call. A good way to look at the scenario would to be to compare it to studying for an exam. Take for example someone who reads the book assigned for a course. You would think that a person who does all the work is going to get a good grade, there is an assumption that doing the work increases your chances of getting a good grade on an exam. Except the fact still remains there is no way to assure that doing all the work will get that good grade, just like with climate change and extreme weather events. We notice that the increase in climate change is also caused some increases in extreme weather events, but you cannot make the assumption that it is a DIRECT cause without proof, same as you cannot say that simply reading will get you good grades(other factors like applying ones' self are important). Finally the last answer of who is Kevin Trenberth is answered by saying that he is a lead scientist that is part of the Climate Analysis Section at the USA National Center for Atmospheric Research. He is a Atmospheric scientist as well as a meteorologist that was the lead author of the IPCC Scientific Assessment of Climate Change 3 different years(1995, 2001, 2007). 

Sources used: 

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