Sunday, February 23, 2014

Response to "Climate Bathtub" Carbon Dioxide cycle model

The "Climate Bathtub" is an important visual tool in understanding how the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is transferred in as well as flowing outward. The image really puts into perspective the basic idea that there is a flow inward of carbon from natural sources, such as respiration and decay of plants and human causes like burning of fossil fuels. Then, compared to the outward natural flow in processes such as, photosynthesis and dissolving into oceans reflects the amount of Carbon dioxide floating around in the atmosphere. One of the underlying concepts is that there is an uneven flow of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, because there is the one natural source causing a rise balances with the natural causes that release carbon dioxide. Except, when including the human causes that add to the rising levels and create an imbalance, causing more inflow than outflow. Some of the excess can be absorbed by the plants and oceans, but there is such a increase from humans that we should seriously look at our impacts. An important thing to notice throughout all of these examples is that there is always an increase of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as long as humans continue to add to the levels, but if we can somehow have no inclusion in adding to the carbon dioxide levels then there is a hope to avoid reaching an overflow that can drastically harm the atmosphere and humans health.

Link to the "Climate Bathtub"

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