Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Climate change solutions video

Below is a video about the solutions to climate change and a general outline of what they think the solutions are that we should be doing. It talks a lot about solar energy and the pros and cons such as the prices and the ability to use them only with sunlight. It takes also about how it will cost more money up front, but in the long run it will be a clearly better option. Why are we not switching then?

Watch the video HERE and make a judgement for yourself.

Laws for Climate change

Below is a link to California's Global Warming Solutions Act. This bill outlines a plan to reduce emissions going into 2020, such as requiring industries to report on their emissions. This is an overall good law, but we will have to see how well they execute and plan to continue after the act is technically outdated.

Link to Bill 32 HERE

Timelapse of deforestation

Below is a video by NASA just showing what deforestation looks like over a period of time. Just something fun to watch.

Link to VIDEO

The science of Deforestation

Here is an article about the science of deforestation and how it works. This article goes through all the different reasons why deforestation occurs such as logging and agriculture. It talks about how the main issue is in Brazil and the Amazon because it is being removed at an alarming rate. This is very thorough and goes through many different causes and then talks about solutions.

Link to article HERE

Photo of Deforestation

Figure 1: This shows deforestation and how it adds to the emissions of Carbon Dioxide, due to a lack of absorption if there are less tress. It also lists at the bottom some reasons for deforestation, which I think we need to look at and see if we can alter or stop to either stop deforestation or reduce it by a good amount.

Link to IMAGE

Deforestation and Climate change

There is a nice report on the effects of deforestation on climate change and how it actually contributes to climate change more than we may think. It talks about how deforestation releases 1.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, which is an alarming number. It also says that it is a whole 20% of the carbon emissions caused by humans, which to me is surprising because of how much we think can cause a rise in carbon emissions. This is a really good article that also talks about how if we continue what our future could look like.

Read the article HERE